
Why it’s important to me as your Executive Business Coach to understand your values

As an executive business coach based in Bristol, I believe deeply in taking the time to understand what matters most to my clients. Their principles, motivations and deeply held beliefs that drive them. Why? Because values form the moral compass that guides every entrepreneur and leader.

Grasping what stirs your spirit allows me to align our coaching to your authentic priorities for maximum impact. Let me illustrate why it’s so crucial for us to explore your values right from our first conversation.

Your Values Are Your Anchor

In a world of constant change, values are the anchor. While strategies and business models continuously evolve, values ground you. They imbue your work and life with meaning.

As your executive business coach, I want to grasp what values resonate for you on a profound level. Is it leaving a legacy? Uplifting your community? Building strong relationships? Fostering excellence? This clarity allows us to hone strategies aligned with what matters most.

Any coach can promise business results. But at my core, I believe in guiding you to results that ring true to your values. Outcomes that satisfy both your head and your heart.

Your Values Shape Your Purpose

Your principles don’t just anchor you. They shape your sense of purpose. The greats like Nelson Mandela, Walt Disney and Oprah Winfrey transformed not industries, but lives. Their monumental impact flowed from a crystal clear sense of purpose rooted in their humanitarian values.

My aim as your executive business coach is to unravel your purpose. What mark do you want to leave on the world? Your values hold the key. Unpacking them brings clarity so you can align goals and efforts to make that purpose a reality.

Purpose-driven achievement is lasting and deeply fulfilling. Far beyond merely hitting targets.

Your Values Attract Your Tribe

There’s tremendous power in leading based on values. It builds bonds of trust and loyalty – with employees, customers and stakeholders. Simon Sinek calls this the ‘golden circle’ – leading with why before what and how.

By first exploring your values, we can build strategies cantered on purpose. Strategies that resonate with and attract your tribe.

Look at Tony’s Coffee, the UK’s fast-growing coffee chain. Their values of sustainability and community underpin everything. This purpose-driven ethos has brewed fierce customer loyalty.

Your Values Drive Authentic Decisions

Values form the moral backbone for decision making. Crises and challenges will inevitably arise in business. Anchoring in values helps guide you to respond in ways aligned with your principles.

My role as executive business coach is asking the tough questions when such forks appear. How will this decision reflect on your values? Does this align with your purpose? This moral compass steers you to answers that lets you sleep well each night.

Your Values Forge Your Legacy

When all is said and done, your values define the legacy you leave behind. Long after you are gone, people will remember how you made them feel based on principles that guided you and not simply on the product you made or service you provided.

As your coach, my goal is helping cement the legacy you desire. And leaving a lasting impact starts with leading from your values outward.

So in that very first meeting, I will ask about your values. It lays the groundwork for everything we will accomplish together. Authentic, purposeful, values-driven success that stays with you long after you reach the summit.

Executive business coach Joe’s Opinion

Our values shape the essence of who we are, far more than skills or goals. That’s why, as an executive business coach, I believe in beginning every partnership by unearthing what really drives you at a core level. Only then can we chart a course to authentic accomplishment and fulfilment. I look forward to exploring your beliefs and principles, so we can unlock sustainable success built on a foundation of values that endure.

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