
One of Bristol’s leading Executive & Business Coaches

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Grow the business
you truly want

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Major Companies Work With Me

Over 20 years experience

in the field of business and life coaching

Over 25 years experience

of starting and running 3 successful businesses in training, education, and property

Studied With

one of the forefront thinkers on mindset, Carol Dwek

Coach the person

not the problem or job title

“Pain is sometimes unavoidable, but suffering is always a choice”


If you have had enough of suffering and are now ready to move on with your life/business but don’t know where to start, then let’s have a five-minute chat to discover how.

“You don’t go shopping for a fire extinguisher when the building is burning.”

I’m excited about the possibilities of working with you towards the achievement of your goals, both professionally and personally. It all begins with just one call, so book a spot in my diary for a quick 20-minute call.

What will we seek to discover on your free 20-minute call?

16 vital questions leaders should ask their coach

If you are still a little uncertain about booking a call, then perhaps you would benefit from my 16 vital questions leaders should ask their coach. You can download it here, and I will send you an email. I have also included my responses to the questions, so you will know if I could potentially be the coach for you.

    About Joe Constant

    About Me

    Joe Constant, the business coach, and critical friend, is not just another coach in the business world. He’s a man who has lived through the challenges of being different and not belonging. Born to Caribbean parents who came over to England during the Windrush era, Joe grew up in Bristol, where he and his siblings were often made to feel like outsiders.

    Despite these challenges, Joe’s talent, determination, and sense of humour helped him become the successful business coach he is today. However, his journey wasn’t without obstacles. Joe experienced discrimination in his early career, being passed over for promotion several times, and feeling undervalued and not seen.

    These experiences made Joe a firm believer in the importance of inclusive leadership. He now works only with leaders, owners,

    Why Me

    You may not believe it but anyone who has achieved anything in life will have at some point been exactly where you are right now

    Well, you’ve really tried to change, but until now, nothing seems to work. You’ve listened to the podcasts, read all the books; you’ve taken the seminars and yet, somehow, you are unable to effectively apply all that great content into your own life. You believe you know what the problems are, but yet struggle to apply the long-term changes that you want.

    25 Years




    Having me as your executive/business coach will mean you will also have access to a multitude of talent and organisations, providing you with a one-stop destination that is able to meetyour entire business needs through my associations, HGKC consultancy, and Engagement Multiplier who provide you with the accurate data on a wide range of aspects on the performance of your organisations, measuring your leadership team, employees’ level of engagement, etc. So, you will be able to see the ROI that we are keen for know when working with us.

    Benefit for Individuals

    My particular coaching style is one that tends not to be a long, ongoing process, as it is more about the quality of the sessions we have together rather than the quantity. However, all my sessions end with clear outcomes and actions, so my clients…

    Setting Goals

    The main reason why clients work with me is that I enable them to achieve their goals, by working with you to create achievable targets that are relevant to your business

    Keep You Accountable

    Having me as your business/executive coach will enable me to keep you accountable. I will hold you to your goals and expectations

    Gain New Perspective

    As your coach, I am not emotional attached to your business like you are, so I can offer an objective perspective on what’s going on.

    Help You Grow

    Through embarking on my ‘Business Breakthrough’ program, clients have remarked that it had caused to them to stretch and grow as a leader, and in other areas of their lives.

    Benefit for Organisations

    Increased productivity

    When you engage us to work with you, you gain the benefit of having access to a group of specialist organisations and individuals, who will support the members of your team through a wide range of ways. This includes 1-2-1 coaching or group coaching and workshops and training, along with assessments. So, you will also directly discover the level of engagement amongst your team members from their feedback. We find that with this level of support and input, there is always an increase in productivity, as team members find a greater clarity of purpose and have the tools available to them achieve their goals more efficiently. This in turn leads to greater productivity for the organisation as a whole.

    Improved decision-making

    When an organisation engages with us, they are investing in their team’s ability to make better decisions. We will help individuals to develop analytical skills and provide them with the tools they need to make sound decisions.

    Increased work satisfaction

    Our work with your team members will also involve discovering what they find motivating about their role and allowing them to focus on this during their working day. Individuals who feel more valued are more motivated and happier, and that all leads to greater job satisfaction and higher performance, which far outweighs the investment in the coaching and training that will have taken place.

    Improved employee retention rates

    Happy employees are more likely to stay with your organisation than those who are unhappy in their roles. We can help indirectly through coaching to increase employee retention rates, as it provides an opportunity for employees to discuss their career goals and develop a plan to achieve these. It also provides employees with the tools they need to be successful in their roles, which can lead to a sense of fulfilment and job satisfaction.


    Capitalising on the real-world experience of my Business advises

    The Business BreakThrough

    It is a 6-month intensive development program that works and supports the leader, team, and organisation, covering every aspect of the business performance – see further details here.

    Individual workshops & coaching program

    All our workshops can be tailored to your specific needs and requirements from as little as a half-day intensive introduction on any of the workshops

    Coaching programs

    Executive Coaching
    Management Coaching
    Business Coaching
    Team (group) Coaching

    Call me and Book

    30 Minute Free Consultation

    Joe Constant Coach is an organisation that is happy to be judge on results, more importantly results that will either meet or exceed clients’ expectations.

    The CAI Model, aims to give you the power to create transparency and inspire others within the organisation by unveiling and reminding you as the leader the importance of having Clarity, Alignment, and Impact throughout the entire organisation for the accomplishment of your vision/mission and goals.

    Joe, the founder, firmly believes that complexity does not necessarily equate to greater value or something that is simple is necessarily easy. . And this sums up the CAI model; it is easy to understand, but like a lake, its depth is not revealed at first glance.


    Are you ready to boost productivity within your organisation and achieve your business goals? Then it’s time to start working with me.

    I am passionate about helping my clients to reach their aims and become the very best that they can be while achieving success. No matter who the client may be, the nature of their business, or their background, I am driven to ensure that we’ll work together until we reach the end goal successfully.

    So, how do I approach my business coaching practice? Let’s look in a little more detail at the process.



    We’ll get clear

    About your future and we’ll set meaningful measurable


    We will create a clear path

    from your present to your new exciciting future.


    I will keep you focused

    on your goals, no matter whats distractions come your way


    I will track your progress

    To make sure you reach your goals. the path might change – but we will get there


    I will give you the tools

    You need to work through anything in your way…


    I will be your critical friend

    and your biggest cheerleader bottom line you get the result, even if you dought that it would happen

    I have over 1k reviews
    from satisfied clients


    6 Videos

    Want to Create Something Beautiful?

    Watch Video

    Have a question?
    Yes, You’re covered.

    No. You only need business coaching for the time needed to be really clear about your purpose and strategy, and for you to know what you need to do to implement that strategy. However, as a rule, based on my experience and many, many past clients, I have generally found a minimum of 6 sessions to be the tipping point for real change. This is not a hard and fast rule but anecdotally based on my experience. Although, I have had clients who found that 2 or 3 sessions was enough, whilst others have been with me for years. It depends on so many variables, but it is always down to the client to decide on when they wish to end the sessions.,

    Often, some people come back for a quarterly or annual strategy refresh, or they come back for another few months because their business has changed, or they want to change it again.

    But business coaching isn’t a quick fix. Most people work with me for an average of 6-12 months, and although I’ll be looking for some early wins (especially ones that generate fast cash flow), you should count on it taking that sort of time to transform your business.
    I only take on clients who have a potentially profitable business. In fact, I only take on business coaching clients who have a business with the potential to make more than at least 25K a year in profit, because that’s the minimum return on investment I think you should be getting if you’re spending between £400 and £600 a month on business coaching.
    Of all the people I have coffee and cake sessions with to talk about business coaching, about 20% of the time, I end up either telling them that their business wouldn’t be able to give them that kind of ROI, or that, sadly, they’d be better off closing it down and starting something new.

    With one of my group coaching programs, on a weekly basis, I run a 1½ hour coaching sessions with suitably matched other business owners and managers, with a max of 6 people per group.
    I’ve analysed this carefully. I’d say that 75 – 85% of the businesses I work with definitely make more money and move forward so the owner is no longer panicking and firefighting. There are some great success stories, with some of my clients reporting profit increases. And some of the businesses I’ve worked with over the years are growing into quite substantial enterprises.

    But it doesn’t always work. Sometimes a business has great potential, but something outside of the business happens to disrupt this. This might be competition from an area we could never have foreseen. Or more often, it’s some big challenge that comes up in the business owner’s life, which means they can no longer concentrate on what they need to do to grow the business.

    Once or twice, I’ve misjudged things, and I’ve taken on a client who doesn’t actually want any advice or input, but just wants a sounding board. My coaching style is challenging, and it’s not for everyone, so if you already know what you need to do and just want someone to agree with you, I’m not the right choice for you.
    If you don’t have 4 hours a month to come to coaching sessions, we need to talk right away about why this is.

    To have a successful business, you really need to be able to free up time to work on the business and to do those important things that are going to make all the difference in the long term. You can book me for just for a couple of hours on a one-off basis to talk about a specific issue in your business. But in the past, when I’ve worked with people on an ad-hoc basis, it hasn’t had the impact on the client’s business I wanted it to, so I really try to avoid this.

    The regular, two or four time a month sessions, and keeping in touch in between sessions, are what makes the business coaching process work because the changes you need to make to your business are cumulative and take time to put into place.

    Best data

    Prices & Packages

    Signature program Business Breakthrough

    Cost of program POA

    This is a 6-month intensive program that is designed as ongoing support for the leader/owner of the organisation/business, providing support for you, the team and the overall organisation/businesses This program is recommended for businesses who are looking for a long-term solution and a sounding board, providing you with the benefit from having structured support and direction, with the clear focus of improving the overall engagement and performance of each individual member of the organisation/business and making the organisation one that retains and attract the best talent. Read here for more.

    1-2-1 Coaching

    From £500 per month

    1-2-1 business coaching with Joe Constant. We meet up regularly twice a month to work on any key challenges you are currently facing, along with working out the right strategy for you and your unique business. And then I help you to implement that strategy and move forward with your business. You will also have ongoing email support in between each 1-2-1 session to answer any ongoing or unexpected queries.

    Single session offering the opportunity

    £250 per session – 1 hour

    A one-off one hour session with Joe Constant to help you to decide, get ideas and input into a plan, or talk through a particular challenge in your business in confidence. Talk over Zoom, supply your own coffee.

    Up to a 1-hour coaching session via Zoom or phone each month Support email

    We will have a coaching session together every other week and you can choose to include an additional in-depth review every three months to drive through your one-page strategic session plan.


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