

We unlock and develop the skills of effective managers.

Endorsed by ILM, our tailored program equips managers and leaders with the skills and tools to coach and develop others by focusing on what their people naturally do best. Ongoing conversations, reflection, and practice will help people successfully apply their strengths to achieve individual, team and organisational goals.

Coaching for managers (Boss to Coach)

The changing workplace demands that managers move from being just the manager who exercises command and control to becoming a coach. This means equipping managers with the skills and tools to coach and develop others by focusing on what their people naturally do best.

But building a culture of coaching is more than just knowing everyone’s strengths. It takes ongoing conversations, reflection, and practice to help people successfully apply their strengths to achieve individual, team and organisational goals. That is why we provide managers with a one-day coaching course endorsed by ILM that forms part of the manager to coach development program.

Inclusive leadership & DEI

As a leader, do you want to promote diversity and inclusion? This workshop will empower and equip you to develop inclusive cultures where everyone feels valued and respected. You will learn how highly inclusive leaders use processes of social influence to interact effectively with individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Because without diversity, equity and inclusion, employees simply cannot feel truly respected or valued, and over time, that leads to dissatisfaction, disenfranchisement, and dissention. Companies that struggle with recruitment and retention usually have a problem in this regard. Without a culture of valuing and respecting the workforce, a business cannot hope to keep skilled workers on board or attract the top talent.

Fundamentals of management

In this workshop, you will be provided with practical tools and advice to help you establish your identity as a leader, connect with your team, and become a successful manager. Learn how to survive your first 30 days, build trust, and develop authority. We will also detail how to manage change, discusses the importance of diversity and inclusion, and explore how to build resilience through stress management. This workshop is designed to prepare you to confidently tackle your responsibilities at work and increase your value to the organization while improving operational effectiveness.

6-step coaching model

The GPS on your phone or Sat Nav will provide pinpoint accuracy of your destination by dropping a pin, but you have little idea how long it would take you and what steps and direction you will need to take, until you enter your starting point. That’s the difference between a “destination” and “directions” – one tells you the “what” and the other tells you the “how”.

For the achievement of your goals, understanding your starting points are the keys to developing a road map and “direction” framework for you, the “coachee”, so we are not only setting goals, but being able to fulfil your goals with an informed plan of action. That’s why the keys to effective coaching and lasting change begins with assessing your critical soft skills in the following areas:

Building high performance teams

High-performing teams are critical to maintaining an organisation’s competitive advantage. These teams consistently show high levels of collaboration and innovation, and outperform their peers. In this workshop, you will learn how to develop the team needed to achieve your vision for your business, while promoting a strong organisational culture that supports business growth. By the end of this workshop, you will have aligned your vision with your organisational structure, considered when it is beneficial to outsource or delegate, and reflected on performance management in your business.

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