
CAI Business Model Health Check

Step 1 of 12

From Adversity to Advantage: The Business of Embracing Clarity, Alignment, and Impact for Long-Term Success


In the past three years, the UK has faced challenges like the Covid-19 pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine. Instead of dwelling on hardships, these events have prompted reflection, emphasising the importance of Clarity, Alignment, and Impact in our lives, both personally and professionally.

The pandemic taught us the value of clear communication, essential for providing direction and stability in uncertain times. By embracing Clarity, individuals and organisations can more easily navigate their way through adversity.

Likewise, the situation in Ukraine highlighted the significance of Alignment. By aligning with our values, goals, and the greater good, we foster unity and solidarity, becoming more resilient and capable of overcoming challenges.

These events showcase the impact of our actions. Frontline workers demonstrated immense courage during the pandemic, and brave souls supported those affected by the war. Similarly, businesses can create a ripple effect, acknowledging their responsibilities to positively influence employees, customers, and communities.

In these times, we're called to reflect on Clarity, Alignment, and Impact in our personal and professional lives. By understanding how to tackle challenges, we can embrace these principles, fostering resilience, growth, and a sustainable successful business, that benefits, employees, customers, stakeholders and you and your family, creating a lasting, positive legacy amid adversity.

his quick health check will provide a high-level overview of your business, pointing out areas where changes or investments in key skills might be necessary for future-proofing and continued success.

The questions are divided into two categories, knowledge and application, with subcategories for clarity, alignment, and impact, as shown below:


  • (Clarity) Certainty on what is required
  • (Alignment) What needs to change/adjust
  • (Impact) Benefit to be obtained


  • (Clarity) Future application or consideration
  • (Alignment) Strategy or plan for making the change/adjustment
  • (Impact) Measure of success

Here's how you can use the questionnaire:

  1. Simply answer 'Yes' or 'No' for each question under the headings. At the end, you'll receive your overall score and initial feedback.
  2. By completing the questionnaire, you'll gain invaluable insights into your business's performance in ten key vital areas. Plus, you'll be eligible for a free 30-minute one-to-one consultation with me to discuss your score and any questions you may have based on your results.
  3. After our 30-minute consultation, I'll provide you with clear actions you can take to improve your business.

Please complete the questionnaire by setting aside just 15 minutes from your day. As I am looking forward to helping you gain a better understanding of your business and chart a path to success!

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